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#毛利戰舞 #毛利人
00:00 開頭
01:30 【BRITA Cube 飲水機】廣告段落
02:12 毛利人與《懷唐伊條約》
03:24 英國政府沒有遵守條約!
04:52 終於落實《懷唐伊條約》!
06:16 《懷唐伊條約》分裂紐西蘭?!
07:20 《條約原則法案》受到哪些批評?
08:41 我們的觀點
10:15 提問
10:35 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→ Wiki:Treaty Principles Bill:https://is.gd/rz9Vc8
→ Wiki:Treaty of Waitangi:https://is.gd/D0Ythx
→ Wiki:New Zealand Wars:https://is.gd/5Tuqmt
→ New Zealand Parliament:Thursday, 14 November 2024 - Volume 780:https://is.gd/GccYL5
→ Treaty Principles Bill: The speeches and suspensions:https://is.gd/KLCnrA
→ Native Land Court created:https://is.gd/ssQEs6
→ The principles of the Treaty of Waitangi, explained:https://is.gd/fmwCIt
→ Story: Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi – ngā mātāpono o te Tiriti o Waitangi:https://is.gd/HRsEq6
→ ACT New Zealand:Equal rights for all.:https://is.gd/FIQ5eK
→ ACT New Zealand:Setting the record straight on ACT’s Treaty Principles Bill:https://is.gd/rZEiSl
→ New Zealand MPs disrupt parliament with haka to protest Indigenous treaty bill:https://is.gd/NATN1y
→ Insults and a haka in New Zealand parliament as MPs debate Māori rights bill:https://is.gd/ojztDN
→ Māori population estimates: At 30 June 2023:https://is.gd/tv1PNu
→ Understanding the Waitangi Tribunal’s report on the Treaty Principles Bill:https://is.gd/11i7mX
→ ‘Division and social disorder’: The Waitangi Tribunal on the Treaty Principles Bill:https://is.gd/Tv8SK9
→ ‘Undoing years of progress’: How the Treaty Principles Bill breaches te Tiriti:https://is.gd/U6m5ew
→ Hīkoi mō te Tiriti sees more than 40,000 deliver powerful message to nation | Stuff.co.nz:https://is.gd/Bt8pVz
→ Opinion: Treaty Principles referendum still a danger:https://is.gd/xBq0RC
→ Poll: 70% of New Zealanders want equal say in Te Tiriti o Waitangi decisions:https://is.gd/Pr922c
→ Revealing poll shows people see te Tiriti o Waitangi as partnership:https://is.gd/QPts8S
→ Do New Zealanders really want a Treaty referendum?:https://is.gd/TH2bgA
→ 《懷唐伊條約》重新解釋引衝突 紐國會毛利人議員跳戰舞抗議:https://is.gd/sK1ANh
→ 紐西蘭毛利權利主張的調查與和解:https://is.gd/C9OuJI
→ <土地與記憶──從『懷坦吉條約』談原住民認同與權利>:https://is.gd/OgBUEH
→ <當代紐西蘭憲政體制>:https://is.gd/thyYPe
→ 《懷唐伊條約》是什麼,它跟紐西蘭毛利人的關係為何?:https://is.gd/cn65D6
→ 毛利人、土地、去殖民:紐西蘭Waikato大學移地研究:https://is.gd/rfxdEo
※ 影片中部分影像素材來自 Shutterstock、Envato與 Midjourney 。
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